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TBS Legacy Assets
This catalog of assets from The Backshops is hosted with permission. Assets are no longer actively supported or updated.

Roundhouse Kit
130' turntable and roundhouse kit.
Road Signs
Variety of modern road signs.

Rail Trail Assets
Rail trail signs and paved pathway.
Lot's of em.

Trackside Objects
Crossbucks and non-functioning signals.
Gas Stations
Abandoned and non-abandoned options.

Construction Signs
Modern construction signs.
Kroger, Walmart, ice cream shops a Pizzeria and an antique shop.

TRC Crossings
Working TRC crossings.
Lot's of em.

Vintage Road Signs
Vintage road signs.
Tiny engines.

Out of Service Signals
Out of service NYC style signals and gates.

Municipal Buildings
2 generic municipal buildings and a school with sign.

Starburst Drive-In
A drive-in theater with signage.
Distiller & Sons
A generic distillery.

Union Pacific FEF
Collection of Union Pacific FEF's created by USSC1798
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