Terms of Service
By downloading content from this site you're agreeing to the following conditions:
1. Content shall not be reverse engineered, reskinned or modified and uploaded to the Trainz Download Station or any other asset sharing websites.
2. Assets downloaded from here may be used in Freeware or Payware routes and included in associated dependency packs ONLY if written permission is given from Joe himself. Please send an email to approachmediumyt@gmail.com if you want permission to redistribute.
3. Assets may be reskinned and/or modified ONLY for PERSONAL USE.
4. All rights are reserved for all AM content including routes, assets, sessions and merch; Approach Medium / Joe Janasiewicz 2020
5. Routes and assets are designed and tested in Trainz a New Era and Trainz 2019 only, unless otherwise noted.
6. Please understand that I am still new to asset creation, so if there are issues with any of my assets, please let me know so I can try to address them. Assets will be updated occasionally to address bugs or to improve their overall quality.
7. If you enjoy the content I create, please consider supporting me over at Patreon. Link below.